The Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of Commerce serves as a positive voice and catalyst in the Stow-Munroe Falls communities. Whether your business is physically located in Stow or Munroe Falls, or your business markets products/services in the area, the Stow-Munroe Falls Chamber of Commerce is Your Connection for Success here. Membership consists of 300+ businesses, organizations, civic groups, government entities and individuals who value our programming which provides varied opportunities to connect, build your business and grow professionally throughout the year.
The Chamber is embarking on a new path moving into 2022! Our Mission and Vision is strong and we plan to support and engage our membership, at all levels, through professional development opportunities, easy access to resources and purposeful events to build relationships and make connections to help your business grow and prosper.
Whether you are an entrepreneur working from home, a small merchant or a large, international company, we offer something for everyone. Look for refreshed and new programming and events in 2022 and beyond. Join us and see how we are Your Connection for Success at the following events:
Join today and start building your network of professional leaders that take pride in making this area a great place to live, work and play. Get involved and see what a difference it makes!