Maria Grimm
Russell Real Estate Services - Maria Grimm, Realtor, Realtor
I manage the Russell Real Estate Office in Hudson, am a member of Russell's corporate leadership team, and serve our area as a Realtor. I have been a Chamber of Commerce member for 8+ years and I am passionate about connecting with businesses of all types and supporting the communities we serve. Being a board member for the past 3 years has given me a chance to volunteer more time in a deeper way than just simply networking for my own gain. I enjoy being a part of the leadership and planning for the future of the Chamber. We have certainly had our challenges as we have evolved during my tenure!
Supporting our Chamber, including partnering with the schools and the local government has truly helped me grow in leadership skills. It is a true honor to give back to each group with my time, energy and talents. Being involved in SMFCC has certainly helped me grow personally, professionally and made quality connections with so many diverse businesses. It helps each of our businesses grow, find and celebrate success together!